Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Dreaded Glucose Test

The day came for my glucose test. And weeks before this day, I tried my very best not to eat rice and sweets. I avoided Cadbury Flake like the plague. Haha. I was instructed to fast from 11 in the evening until the next day before the test. This was a challenge as I always have snacks late at night so I don't have hunger pangs early in the morning. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to fast for the fear of failing my glucose test and end up having Gestational Diabetes which I was a high risk for because both my mom and dad have diabetes. So me and hubby arrived in the laboratory on time and blood was drawn from me and also had urine sample taken. After that,  I was given this drink. I had to drink all of its contents and wait an hour for another blood test to be done. I felt sick and wanted to throw up. I told the nurse I feel like throwing up and she said that I could if I wanted to but I had to do the test all over again. Arggggh. And so I held it in, the feeling was horrible. I also felt scared because I read about how other pregnant women who felt sick, nauseous, weak all failed the test. So I was starting to get paranoid and very sick to my stomach.

This drink is eeew and just so sweet it made me sick.

Ouchy Ouch!
After three blood works and urine tests done,  I finished the test! =) We came at 9 in the morning and we were out of the hospital at around 1-ish in the afternoon. I was starving and weak but  happy that I completed the test and did not have to do it all over again! When the tests came out after 2 days, I found out I passed, and was so happy,  I ate cake =)

I was so happy I passed and so I celebrated by eating a slice
of  Ube Macapuno Cake from Sweet Indulgence =) 

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