Friday, June 15, 2012

Vivid dreams.

I slept for two hours before my flight to manila and i had the vividest dreams. I remember seeing flying feathers from the sky, white feathers. I saw my sister regine by the window, and i asked her if she was ok. I saw my ex from high school and he was marrying another classmate of mine from high school, In my dream, I even saw his mom. So weird. And then I saw our old house in Bulacan and there was someone by the roof and removed a part of the ceiling and there were so many insects that came out but  nothing happened. and so i told my sister to take all the things she could from the house and that we needed to sleep in the other house the one upstairs. and when I came to by the stairs, I saw my grandmother who died many years back floating in the air with a mosquito repellent coil next to her which was burning a white straight smoke and she was floating next to it, in an indian sitting position, she was praying. I also saw myself in a big mirror and it was so weird that I could not see my reflection. And then my aunt, we call her ate, looked at the mirror and told me? why can't i see your reflection and then I said I don't know. I also saw myself rubbing black paint off my chest. Oh my what weird dreams I had. Got to go get ready for my Manila =)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Oh Gosh.

Manila Flights are utterly exhausting. I just came back from Manila and I could not even get myself to undress. I was knocked out, slept in my uniform with make up and all. I know, I am disgusting =(  My body is in pain and could not get myself to get up after 11 hours of deep sleep. I had so many dreams, weird dreams. Manila flight is really tough nowadays. It didn't use to be like this. Or maybe, just maybe, Im really getting old. =(