Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Third of My Three Days Off

Days off spent like this... makes me whole. Tomorrow  Im off to Venice, and I will miss Julia so so much! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

april 12- julia is 1 year 8 months old today 😊

i am so thankful julia is growing up to be a smart and funny little girl. every little thing she does makes me and sonnie happy.  what a wonderful feeling to hear little running steps in our tiny home. such a blessing! today julia was running after me towards the kitchen and i saw her giggling running her tiny steps, and for a second i remembered how sonnie and i have been together for 6 years without a child. i never knew we could be this happy! my heart is filled with so much giggles 😊 

although today, i spent the whole day driving around, to and fro, fixing julia's visa. Oh how i hope to fast forward to the day that it is stamped there already. Help me God. It is so complicated, but I believe doable. Im just a little anxious because I want it done soon so i can move forward and finish other tasks. 

Oh well. tomorrow is another day and Im off to Kuwait. 

     { a snap of my two loves at MCC }

{ silly mommy and baby julia kaitlin }