Friday, July 29, 2011

My Mommy's Parathyroidectomy was a success!

I just came back from Manila and I am dead tired.

When we landed, my mom just got out of the recovery room. I hurried to the hospital as soon as I got in the hotel.

I am so happy that I have a Manila and I was able to take care of my mom even for just a few hours.

Nothing beats being with your loved ones at times like this.

My dad said: Andito na anak mo...

My mom took off her oxygen mask and said: Kumain ka na ba?

Aaaaaaaawww. I said don't you worry about me, Im ok. =)

She did not lose her voice, i am so relieved and happy and thankful.

Prayers are really powerful.

Eighteen hours Manila no matter how tiring is still a MANILA and sigh Im so thankful.

Oh my Gosh. I blogged in bullets. WTF! Parang VR lang hahahaha!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Yet Another ParaThyroid Operation for Mommy

I just hope everything goes well on the 27th of this month.

It hurts me that mommy has to have all these operations but I believe all is for the best. I believe a transplant is coming our way. =)

I will never stop trusting and having faith on our Lord!