Sunday, July 3, 2016

Woke Up Too Early In Nigeria

Everyday when I wake up, I thank the Lord for another day. When I'm in a layover like today, I would usually fall asleep looking at videos of Julia in my phone. It always brings me back to my happy place which is with her. I miss her so much and yesterday Dalai sent me a video of Julia saying "i miss you mama". I miss her so much! Julia doesn't throw tantrums when I leave for work, she is so used to me coming and going. I think I'm mostly the one hurt when I come and go. I am jealous of the nanny sometimes but In the same way, I am thankful that she takes care of Julia when Im at work. This is how it is to be a flight attendant mom, constantly sacrificing time and what's sad is that time cannot be taken back. But this is the reality of our lives and it's ok, it's not that bad. When I come home, I kiss julia and smell her, smells like a baby all the time! I miss her now.

I also think of my family in Manila and how they are doing. I pray to God that mommy's health would always be the same. there was a time when whenever I pray I only thank the Lord. It was jus a few weeks back when I am all thank you to Him. The life God has provided me is filled with abundance and I am humbled. But now it seems I am back to asking God for His mercy, this time with my daddy. It is sabay sabay. His eyes need cataract surgery and his PSA level is high. Ive been googling and googling. and I would always come across Prostate CA. I cant even type the word. Im too scared. I have always seen it happening around me. Mom was thought to have it with her thyroid, but God never forsake us. His healing mercy is always in our favor. I feel weak and I know only God alone can give me strength, because the strength I need is not the physical one, but of the heart. My heart aches at the thought of my loves ones getting sick. i hate this feeling but yesterday I was watching TV here in Lagos and there was this lady she said: life is full of ups and downs, and whats happening to you now can be an up or down, right now is a down for sure but hey the ups outcount the downs! and i need to be reminded of this every single day. Life cannot be always be full of ups, then it is not life anymore right? i also coach myself with people around me, what i read, what i watch, i take courage and find courage everywhere. I always remind myself that God knows me, how strong I am and He will not give me something that I cannot handle. So I know we can do this! I pray pray pray it's not the C word. please I claim it! It's not C!

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