So today, my day off was spent thinking , thinking and thinking. Yesterday, the carpenter was here to do some stuff. And I'm happy. =) I got the wood panels for my laundry area, and I got myself the stuff I wanted for my balcony garden. Lately, I couldn't stop myself from fantasizing on balcony gardens. I wish We had a bigger balcony and I wish it wasn't too hot in Dubai. But I could not of course change the weather but I can make myself a small garden if I was desperate really. And I really was. I really really wanted it. To grow some plants and some herbs. My Hubby bet on me not being able to take care of it, but what the heck I really want to try.
What I've been thinking to grow. I really find sili leaves very expensive in Dubai. So I hot this wishful thinking that I might be able to grow a chilli plant! Hahaha. Seems crazy, but I swear, I will really really try for my tinola! :) I also want to grow malunggay. THAT is impossible! I think it's not a plant I can grow in the balcony, I think, it's really a tree. So okay scrap that. I saw some mint leaves in carrefour the other day, so that would give me a kick start. I also want to have some other herbs. Sonnie promised to drive me to the Garden Center today so we'll see. I'm really excited :)
Today I was checking the web about stuff on balcony gardening and I was soo happy to find out that I was not the only crazy person who wanted to have a balcony garden in Dubai. Oh, but I envy all those who lived in places with friendly weather. And again, I wish I had a bigger balcony. Because now my balcony has to be clothes drying area cum garden =( Not much I can do with the small space that we have but still, I'm happy =)
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